Learning and Development

We work within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS, 2023). The EYFS is a statutory framework set by the Government and Early Years professionals to describe the time in a child’s life between birth and the age of 5 (the end of Reception class). The Early Years Foundation Stage sets the standards for learning, development and care for children during this period and should be followed by nurseries, pre-schools, reception classes and childminders.
There are Seven Areas of Learning and Development:
The Prime areas are:
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development
The Specific areas are:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
To find out more on the EYFS please visit
Learning and Development:
We recognise that children develop quickly in the early years. From birth children are constantly trying to make sense of the world around them as they experience, imitate, play and interact with others, objects and their environment. Learning new skills is crucial in encouraging all children to fulfil their true potential, it is however equally important to recognise that children need support to have the desire, confidence and motivation to learn in order to acquire and embed any new skill.
Records of activities, adaptations, group needs are recorded on our planning board, parents are welcome to take a look at the planning and add any suggestions should they so wish.
We use Tapestry as a means of recording our observations and assessments, track children’s progress and identify any possible gaps in achievement. It is essential that we work closely with our parents to share as much information as possible because this helps us make really accurate assessments of a child’s needs, ability and progression and subsequently plan a course of action which will support each and every child.
All dinners are provided and cooked on site. Weekly menus are available in our foyer.
They are at a charge of £2.30.
Further information about healthy eating can be found at