
OfSTED inspect the standards of care, learning and education we provide, we were awarded Outstanding by Ofsted in 2015; inspector comments included:
"Children have an excellent time in the visually stimulating and highly enabling learning environment…children are entirely engaged during their play this is a direct result of the highly skilled staff".
"Children have excellent opportunities to explore outdoors. They have access to a range of well-equipped outdoor spaces that support and challenge their physical skills. Children are given responsibility for their own safety. For example, they complete risk assessments of particular activities or equipment, giving them powerful learning opportunities to consider risks and how to stay safe".
"Children behave exceptionally well. They display excellent friendships with one another and demonstrate an outstanding ability to manage their behaviour effectively”
"The atmosphere within the pre-school is calm and purposeful. Children are entirely engaged during their play. This is a direct result of the highly skilled staff team who plan a rich and varied educational programme that excites and intrigues the children"
"Staff safeguard children exceptionally well. All staff are well versed in the procedure to follow should they have any concerns with regards to child protection. The pre-school is safe and secure and children are supervised very well”
If we are unable to resolve a complaint you can contact OFSTED directly at
Complaints Dept,
Piccadilly Gate
Store Street
M1 2WD
Telephone: 0300 123 1231
Enquiries: @ofsted.gov.uk